In our previous blog, we explored Phase 1: Acquisition, where brands focused on gathering valuable consumer data. Now, we move on to Phase 2: Conversion. During this short, but critical period that occurs in late October through November, the goal is to keep the brand top of mind and increase consumer engagement. In this phase, “conversion” takes on a strategic meaning — it’s about activating re-marketing audiences to set your brand up for success in Phase 3: Driving Sales.

  • Phase 1: Acquisition
  • Phase 2: Conversion (this blog)
  • Phase 3: Driving Sales

Phase 2: Conversion

The holiday shopping frenzy kicks into high gear in November, making it essential for brands to stay relevant and compelling in the eyes of consumers leading up to that time. During this Phase brands are looking to convert their consumers from passive interest to actively engaging with the brand. This engagement is where the groundwork is laid for successful sales during the holiday rush. Here are some key strategies for maximizing conversion during this pivotal month:

Engaging Contests for Active Participation

Converting a casual consumer into an active and engaged participant with your brand is a multifaceted endeavor that hinges on strategically crafted direct interactions. Among these methods, contests stand out as one of the most effective ways to establish a profound and enduring connection between consumers and your brand.

During the fall season, contests can invite users to share their cherished holiday traditions, delightful decorations, or beloved seasonal recipes. This exchange of user-generated content isn’t just a casual interaction; it’s a strategic endeavor to forge a distinct and enduring bond.

Contests are inherently multi-faceted, providing the brand with numerous touchpoints throughout the consumer journey. From the initial act of uploading a contest entry to the anticipation of judging, the excitement of voting on favorite entries, and the thrill of the winner announcement, contests engage consumers at various stages. This continual involvement nurtures a sense of investment and connection that only deepens as the holiday season approaches.

As the holiday season approaches and Phase 3: Driving Sales takes the spotlight, these nurtured connections are poised to yield dividends, positioning the brand at the forefront of consumers’ thoughts when it’s time to make purchasing decisions.

Social Media Amplification

Interacting with consumers on social media goes beyond immediate engagement – it contributes to building a robust follower base, maximizing the visibility of your featured products when the holiday season arrives. Here are two effective ways Realtime Media can powerfully amplify your brand’s social media presence and foster the conversion of active participation:

  • Incentivizing new followers: One highly effective approach to motivate consumers to engage with your brand on social media is through comment-to-enter sweepstakes. For example, you could encourage users to participate by commenting on their favorite product offered by your brand. In doing so, they not only express their preferences but also actively connect with your brand.
  • Incentivize by sharing: Another way Realtime Media can help incentivize social following is by incorporating “Share-To-Gain” mechanics. On our sweepstakes microsites, participants can amplify their chances of winning by sharing the promotion within their networks. This not only extends the promotion’s reach but also encourages participants to become brand advocates, seamlessly integrating your brand into their social circles.

Fueling Sustained Impressions and Engagement

Further maximizing impressions and engagement, brands can deploy strategy that prompt users to return to the promotional site during this critical promotional period in order to stay top of mind. This can be achieved through a variety of strategic avenues, each contributing to a lasting impact. Here are two promotion tactics to achieve this:

  • Dynamic Prize Rotation: Implementing sweepstakes with ever-changing prizes on a weekly basis creates a powerful incentive for users to repeatedly visit your site. This approach ensures that excitement remains high, as participants anticipate the unveiling of new and enticing rewards.
  • Phased Promotions with Voting: Hosting phased promotions, accompanied by voting mechanisms, keeps participants engaged at multiple levels. As users submit their entries and actively participate in the voting process, their investment in the promotion deepens. This multi-layered engagement sustains interest over time and fosters a sense of involvement.

To support the above two strategies, Reminder Emails should also be utilized to reignite users’ interest, encouraging them to return to the promotional site. Whether it’s about casting votes or winning this week’s prize, these reminders reinforce your brand’s presence and sustain interaction.

As we navigate Phase 2 of the holiday marketing journey, the importance of sustained consumer engagement cannot be overstated. This phase isn’t just about capturing attention; it’s about creating a lasting bond that paves the way for Phase 3: Driving Sales. The efforts invested in Phase 2 culminate in a brand that is not only top of mind but deeply integrated into consumers’ holiday experiences. Stay tuned for our final installment, Phase 3: Driving Sales, where we will unveil strategies to convert engagement into tangible sales during the bustling holiday shopping season.